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Macallè Sicilian Bistrot

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E’ un ristorante tipico siciliano, dove si può gustare una cucina tradizionale siciliana in chiave contemporanea. La filosofia dello chef è di trasformare le ricette della nonna in piatti moderni, dando meticolosa attenzione alla stagionalità dei prodotti, rigorosamente locali e soprattutto freschissimi.

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Per coloro che hanno la voglia di una esperienza culinaria unica, venite da Macallè che esauderà i vostri desideri con le nostre piccole ispirazioni stagionali. Ci piace il cibo, un sacco diverso dal solito, proprio come te.

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Promettiamo un’esperienza culinaria intima e rilassata che offre qualcosa di diverso agli avventori locali e stranieri e ti assicura ogni volta un’esperienza culinaria memorabile.

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Macallè Sicilian Bistrot


HR13 October 2024
Absolutely amazing experience. Must go! My family and I will truly remember this for the rest of our lives. From the food to the genuine and welcoming experience from the owners, everything was outstanding!Giana Rusden9 October 2024
Excellent service and delicious food plus great selection of vine and beverages. Perfect for a romantic meal with your partner or special occasion with family and friends. Strongly recommend.Erika - Marina24 September 2024
This is a fantastic restaurant, with fresh local ingredients cooked in a classic Sicilian way, but with a twist.Richard Horsey15 August 2024
Cenare in questo ristorante è un esperienza unica. Tutte le materie prime sono ottime, i piatti molto ricercati. Il personale è attentissimo ad ogni dettaglio ci hanno fatto sentire coccolati tutta la sera. Torneremo presto 🙂 (Translated by Google) Dining in this restaurant is a unique experience. All the raw materials are excellent, the dishes very refined. The staff is very attentive to every detail and made us feel pampered all evening. We will be back soon 🙂Carlotta Maselli12 August 2024
Il locale è molto accogliente e lo chef ci ha fatto sentire a casa. I piatti sono preparati con maestria e cura. Possiamo dire che è stata una splendida serata. (Translated by Google) The place is very welcoming and the chef made us feel at home. The dishes are prepared with skill and care. We can say that it was a wonderful evening.Gianluca Fronte11 August 2024
Sublime. Un tripudio di sapori, colori ed odori in una tempesta sensoriale che ti lascia sbalordito. Da andarci. Assolutamente (Translated by Google) Sublime. A riot of flavours, colors and smells in a sensorial storm that leaves you amazed. To go there. AbsolutelyMarcello Piraino23 July 2024
Gaetano Spampinato19 July 2024
Daniela Schirintino16 July 2024
Proprietario simpatico, accogliente, un vero professionista. Ci siamo fatti consigliare dallo chef che ci ha presentato piatti unici e ricercati con spezie e aromi di Sicilia. È un ristorante in Ortigia da provare assolutamente (Translated by Google) Friendly, welcoming owner, a true professional. We took advice from the chef who presented us with unique and refined dishes with Sicilian spices and aromas. It is a restaurant in Ortigia that you absolutely must trycarmelo scollo28 June 2024
Robert Bennett23 June 2024
Best swordfish I had in Sicily, it was delicious! Seating space could be better, it was windyYasar Selcuk Caliskan23 June 2024
(Translated by Google) Exceptional cuisine – by far the best of our stay in Sicily – and helpful, kind staff who took the time to explain the history of the dishes and the meaning of their composition: absolutely recommend! (Original) Cuisine exceptionnelle –de loin la meilleure de notre séjour en Sicile– et personnelle serviable, gentil et qui prend le temps de nous expliquer l'histoire des plats et la signification de leur composition : recommande absolument !Madeleine Bonnet4 June 2024
Macallè non è un ristorante, o perlomeno non è solo un ristorante. Macallè è soprattutto la storia di un amore assoluto e del legame carnale ed indissolubile che lega Maurizio a questa terra unica di straordinaria bellezza e che lui racconta attraverso i suoi piatti in questo piccolo ed elegante bistrot che sembra uscito da un dipinto di Salvador Dali. Macallè è un microcosmo in cui la Sicilia si svela in tutta la sua straordinaria bellezza e autenticità e dove la materia prima si unisce ad una cantina che celebra il terroir siciliano nella sua eclettica unicità. Macallè è un invito a rallentare, ad assaporare il tempo, a celebrare la vita e le sue meraviglie. Per chiunque ami la buona cucina e desideri immergersi nell'anima più vera di Ortigia, una visita a Macallè è un'esperienza che raccomando, un viaggio emozionante che resterà per sempre nei ricordi più cari. Grazie Maurizio. (Translated by Google) Macallè is not a restaurant, or at least it is not just a restaurant. Macallè is above all the story of an absolute love and of the carnal and indissoluble bond that binds Maurizio to this unique land of extraordinary beauty and which he tells through his dishes in this small and elegant bistro that seems to have come out of a painting by Salvador Dali. Macallè is a microcosm in which Sicily reveals itself in all its extraordinary beauty and authenticity and where the raw material combines with a cellar that celebrates the Sicilian terroir in its eclectic uniqueness. Macallè is an invitation to slow down, to savor time, to celebrate life and its wonders. For anyone who loves good food and wants to immerse themselves in the truest soul of Ortigia, a visit to Macallè is an experience that I recommend, an exciting journey that will remain forever in the fondest memories. Thanks Maurizio.Davide Baldoni3 June 2024
Esperienza superba, se vieni in Ortigia devi assolutamente assaggiare l’arte dello chef Maurizio, un viaggio tra il passato e il futuro, con piatti eleganti, di altissima qualità e innovativi (Translated by Google) Superb experience, if you come to Ortigia you absolutely must taste the art of chef Maurizio, a journey between the past and the future, with elegant, high quality and innovative dishesLudovico Scollo29 May 2024
Great fun, great atmosphere, great evening out. Highly recommended. Thank you Maurizio!Nick Mann26 April 2024
Nicolas Rakotondrainibe20 April 2024
Ristorante consigliatissimo. Un’esperienza gustativa eccellente in una Sicilia rivisitata. Maurizio poi, un cordiale padrone di casa! (Translated by Google) Highly recommended restaurant. An excellent tasting experience in a revisited Sicily. Maurizio then, a friendly host!eiii eiii23 February 2024
Wonderful hidden gem of a restaurant. Chef Maurizio extended us a warm welcome that made us feel at home. Food was delicious, mostly fish and vegetables, as well as beautifully presented. Highly recommend.Franklin Servan-Schreiber7 January 2024
An experience! The food is typically Sicilian but the taste is surprising.Alessandro Viale28 October 2023
Amazing cooking class on our trip. Best food ever! Rick and I thank you for the ashtray. You are the bomb M😘Anne Marie eggers25 October 2023
If you are in Ortagis / Syracusa. Get a reservation and go here. We thought the food was excellent. Chef made the night extra special. Wine selection was incredible. Each dish really did the job. The freshness and unique flavours of each dish were clear. I would say we’re not easily blown away. But each dish was exciting and an adventure. Thank you chef!Harrison Brus20 October 2023
Val Fenech6 October 2023
Mark Kahn2 October 2023
High quality. Small portions. Fine diningmerona lorberblatt1 October 2023
DeliciousGriffin Harris28 September 2023
AmazingJay Olislagers17 September 2023
(Translated by Google) Fantastic food! Exquisite service! (Original) Comida fantástica! Atendimento primoroso!Sergio Hilgert4 September 2023
We had a very nice evening! The service was great, very kind people with a lot of attention to the table. Food was amazing. Definitely recommend coming here!Janneke XXX3 September 2023
Irina Aptekar2 September 2023
We went there for my birthday. The waiter was the nicest person ever and very patient with us. We drank a very good Nero d'Avola. I had the pasta with octopus, some had tuna, others meat. Everything was beautifully presented and delicious. Portions were a bit small though. For desert we shared a tiramisu and a ricotta with mango. Incredible. The waiter even lit a candle for me. Great experience overall.Alexis Vrettos2 September 2023
Jen Dickson1 September 2023
Alejandra Gakvano30 August 2023
Esperienza culinaria eccellente, prodotti di alta qualità, personale gentile e preparato. Purtroppo verso la fine si è rallentato un po’ il servizio, forse causato dalla tanta clientela. Ci ritornerei assolutamente! (Translated by Google) Excellent culinary experience, high quality products, kind and knowledgeable staff. Unfortunately, towards the end the service slowed down a bit, perhaps due to the large number of customers. I would absolutely go back!Alessio Ranieri29 August 2023
Materia prima freschissima, di alta qualità, cucina gourmet con quantità non generose. Pesce spada superlativo cosi come il calamaro. Prezzi sopra la media. Consigliato (Translated by Google) Very fresh, high quality raw materials, gourmet cuisine with not generous quantities. Superlative swordfish as well as squid. Prices above average. AdvisedRocco Narciso29 August 2023
Outstanding! Best restaurant I've dined at in Sicily to date during my stay. Ingredients are purchased daily fresh. Just the right amount of food, beautifully prepared and so flavorful. Had a wonderful overall experience as a large group. Chef really took care to prepare an excellent meal and experience.Sue McMillin28 August 2023
Sono stato a cena con la mia compagna. Difficilmente lascio una recensione, ma questa volta è d'obbligo. Il servizio ricevuto è stato impeccabile, sia lo Chef che il Cameriere (padre e figlio) sono preparatissimi e molto disponibili, ci hanno accompagnato nelle scelte e si sono presi cura di noi per tutto il tempo. La location è piccola, ma molto accogliente (come piace a noi!) Ma veniamo al pezzo forte: ieri sera non abbiamo cenato, ma abbiamo vissuto un'esperienza culinaria. Non smettevamo più di far roteare la mano mentre degustavamo le pietanze. Il crudo di mare è superlativo, il cameriere ci ha gentilmente suggerito in che ordine dugustarli. Per quanto riguarda i primi: i tagliolini del pescatore con il pescato del giorno (spigola!) E "per alice" ancora non mi viene in mente un aggettivo che possa rendergli giustizia; inimmaginabili! Ed infine abbiamo ordinato una cassata che nemmeno a dirlo.. abbiamo chiuso in bellezza! Il tutto accompagnato con un Cataratto siciliano sapientemente presentato dal cameriere. Ogni volta che torneremo a Siracusa sapremo dove cenare. (Translated by Google) I had dinner with my partner. I rarely leave a review, but this time it's a must. The service received was impeccable, both the Chef and the Waiter (father and son) are highly trained and very helpful, they accompanied us in our choices and took care of us the entire time. The location is small, but very welcoming (as we like it!) But let's get to the piece de resistance: last night we didn't have dinner, but we had a culinary experience. We never stopped twirling our hands while tasting the dishes. The raw seafood is superb, the waiter kindly suggested to us in which order to taste them. As for the first courses: the fisherman's tagliolini with the catch of the day (sea bass!) And "per alice" I still can't think of an adjective that can do it justice; unimaginable! And finally we ordered a cassata which needless to say... we ended on a high note! All accompanied with a Sicilian Cataratto expertly presented by the waiter. Every time we return to Syracuse we will know where to dine.GianMaria28 August 2023
Chiaramata Santangelo27 August 2023
Locale intimo ed elegante. Piatti sublimi. Penso sia stata l'esperienza culinaria più soddisfacente del mio viaggio in Sicilia. (Translated by Google) Intimate and elegant venue. Sublime dishes. I think it was the most satisfying dining experience of my trip to Sicily.Raffaele Annunziata25 August 2023